Sinead O'Connor is a name that has long been tied to drugs and being crazy. An article by Melissa Maerz in EW however discusses her path to a new album and life, and how she feels about her past labels.
Maerz opens up with a quote from O'Connor, "You're treated like shit if you're perceived as crazy."
The unmistakably Irish, 45 year-old singer has had a tough time, to say the least. An 18 day marriage, an accidental crack deal and a suicide attempt are just the highlights of the past few months in her life. Despite the bad circumstances, the article gets the point across that O'Connor is moving on and moving towards happiness.
Maerz portrays O'Connor as a very open artist who is connected with her fans. She even references O'Connor's personal tweets, including a tweet about trying to kill herself the previous week and asking for doctors that could see her that day. She quotes, "I'm really unwell and in danger. And I desperately need to get back on meds today."
I took a look at her website and it is true, her blogs and tweets are very blunt, harsh, sometimes vulgar, and completely open. It is intimidating and risky for a celebrity to open up so much. If anyone can do it and withstand the response, it's the outspoken and strong O'Connor.
While there were obviously hardships to cover, Maerz moves quickly through the mess and gets to the music. The article is mostly a breakdown of her newly-released album, How About I Be Me (And You Be You.)
O'Connor's music is self-described as a diary. "There were one or two songs that I wrote hoping they might come true." O'Connnor said
There is a melancholy feel to the article. Maerz captures the blunt, somber, funny, and dark sides of the singer which is hard to do in one article.
The article wasn't that long and I would have liked to read a bit more detail about the situations that lead O'Connor to write the songs. Even more, I would like to know how she got past her point of being suicidal and emerged with what is called her best album yet.
I like the ending quote Maerz uses from O'Connor about her album, "If you listen to this record from the beginning thorough, hopefully you will hear it end joyfully. It was a journey towards happiness."
As for happiness, O'Connor says, "I'll get there."
Besides a few unanswered questions, the article was well written and taught me a lot about Sinead.
Here are some links to articles about her suicide attempt and divorce, along with the link to her website were you can read recent entries. Warning! She has a very Irish mouth!
Entertainment Weekly, February 24, 2012
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